Dates and registration form language classes andrax

Your inserted private information will be used for communication with you only. For this purpose a valid mail adress and your name is required. These will serve for attribution of your request and further response. Optionally you can add more informations.

B2-C1 medicine 6 weeksWirsberg07-01-202228-02-2022
B2-C1 medicine 6 weeksWirsberg07-03-202225-04-2022
B2-C1 medicine 6 weeksWirsbereg20-06-202201-08-2022
Preparation courses for the special language exam, 6 weeksKulmbach17-01-202228-02-2022
Preparation courses for the special language exam, 6 weeksKulmbach07-03-202225-04-2022
Preparation courses for the special language exam, 6 weeksKulmbach02-05-202213-06-2022
Preparation courses for the special language exam, 6 weeksKulmbach20-06-202201-08-2022
B1-B2 care 8 weeksWirsberg17-01-202214-03-2022
B1-B2 care 8 weeksWirsberg21-03-202216-05-2022
B1-B2 care 8 weeksWirsberg23-05-202218-07-2022

Register form

Vorname / Fist name
Familienname / Family name
Herkunftsland / country of origin
Geburtstag / date of birth
Strasse, Hausnr. / street, no.
PLZ, Ort. / postcode, city
Ich buche verbindlich folgende Kurse / I book the following courses:
Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich mich verbindlich für den oben genannten Deutschkurs, bei der Sprachschule Andrax anmelde. Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) habe ich gelesen und bin damit einverstanden.
I hereby confirm my binding registration to the above mentioned intercultural German language course at the Andrax. I have read the terms and conditions of business and confirm that I am in agreement with it.